Wednesday, April 3, 2013

More Than Cooking

I don't know about you, but I'm busy.  I'm a wife & mom, I work a full time job outside of being a Celebrating Home designer.  We home school our son, we have a lot of extra curricular activities...and 7 pets.  This is why I always post about how wonderful it is to have a Bean Pot from Celebrating Home.
This little ceramic pot is a true work horse in my kitchen.  I use it often, because I'm busy and don't always have the time to stand up and cook a meal, and quite honestly, the drive-thru is unhealthy and expensive.
I like to have some control over what my family is eating.  With my husband & myself being diabetic, we need to know what we're eating.  Now don't get me wrong, not everything I cook in a bean pot is the healthiest thing we could have, but more often than not what comes out of the bean pot is MUCH healthier than what comes out of the drive-thru window.
I've said all that to say this, Celebrating Home is about much more than cooking.  Celebrating Home began after Home Interiors went out of business.  The owners of Home & Garden party bought the Home Interiors brand, combined the two product lines and launched Celebrating Home.  Celebrating Home merchandise includes our lovely ceramic cookware & dishes, home decor, wall art, outdoor decor, candles, and our newest Penelope Ann line consists of purses & jewelry, scarfs & sunglasses. There are decorating & gift ideas for everyone.
If you're interested in seeing more of what Celebrating Home has to offer, a party is the way to go.  If you're local, I will come to your house & cook for you & your guests.  If you're not local, you can still have a party.  We can do Skype, or you can do an online party where you share my website with your guests & they place their orders.  The party will be set up in your name and you will reap all of the benefits.  The benefits of hosting a party are receiving free & half price merchandise.  You'll receive one half price item for every $100 retail your party total reaches & once your party reaches $200, you will also get 20% of the total in FREE merchandise.  April is a very special month also because on top of the regular free & half price merchandise, all of my hostesses who's party total is $300 or higher, will also get 3 pieces of merchandise from the new Penelope Ann line.
I can be reached on Facebook or by e-mail.


  1. Gee, I've never heard of Celebrating Home. Is that sort of like Pampered Chef?

    Nice post! Ceramic cookware is lovely!

    Happy A-Z!

    C is for Careers - Rhymed Acrostics at Nickers and Ink

    1. I'm glad you asked about Pampered Chef, it gave me an idea for my next post :0)

  2. I confess to being a lazy cook. There is only me, and most of the time, it's just not something I choose to give that much time to.

    I do accept that it often doesn't take that much time though, and most certainly appreciate the passion and enjoyment that others get from it!


  3. I'd never heard of celebrating home either! But I do love a good bean pot! :)

  4. I like the sound of your little bean pot. I'm sure whatever you cook has better nutrition than the gunk bought in a take-away.
